Coca-Cola: Por Todos

Commercials of Coca-Cola during Covid-19 Pandemic

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Coca-Cola released a commercial Por Todos to show its respect to everyone in the fight with Covid-19. In the advertising, each group of people were represented by parts of the products from Coca-Cola. For instant, the bottle of coke in various size means a family while the coke in original glass bottle refers to the elderly. The representations are quite implicit but explained along with the voice over for each group, it become very explicit that the audience can easily understand the message the brand trying to convey.

On one hand, these representations along with the wordings in the beginning and the end reflects that Coca-Cola cares about the whole society; on the other hand, it is a good way to present various products of Coca-Cola. In fact, this commercial could be considered as a reproduced version of its previous advertising For Everyone since they are in the same structure. Moreover, there are different versions For Everyone in different languages targeting at countries all over the world. Through coming up with videos in the same structure, to some extent, Coca-Cola make it standardized to promote its products as well as brand culture in the market. In this case, although this new commercial may try to cheer people up in this dark time, the standardization makes its more obviously a product promotion which is alike with the previous ones. Similar with For Everyone, there are also various versions of Por Todos in different languages including English, Spanish, Montenegrin and so on, which proves that Coca-Cola has expanded its business worldwide and made everyone become its target customer.

As one of the ruling class who owns the relations and the means of coke production, Coca-Cola also tries to controls the means of metal production by convey the value emphasized in the neoliberal economic system. According to the Base & Superstructure model raised by Marx and Engels, the strong economic base and advanced technologies of Coca-Cola allow it to produces all kinds of products to meet the market demand as much as possible, which determines its brand culture has to consider diversity and large number of mass public. In this commercial, it highlights the importance and the responsibility of every individuals in the society by appreciating their every little contribution to the society during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the meantime, the display of all its diverse products which seems can satisfy the needs of drinks for every group of people indicates Coca-Cola values consumerism. These are the message Coca-Cola tries to deliver through its media content which is consist of its superstructure. Thus, its economic base is reinforced and legitimated since Coca-Cola suggests the significance of individual and diversity to the whole society which will lead the brand to expand their product line and maintain or even enlarge its customer group.

Overall, Coca-Cola aims to make an emotional connection with all its target group through expressing that “we will get through it together” in this commercial related to Covid-19 pandemic. It tries to building the brand image to a corporate with social responsibility but at the same it presents its ambitious business vision again.

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