Weibo’s Algorithm “Likes” Women

Browsing the posts from the accounts I follow on social media is one of my favorite things to do in my fragmented time, and Weibo, whose design and function is in equivalent with Twitter, is one of the social media platforms that I visit more often. Most of the accounts I followed are friends, vloggers, arts bloggers and celebrities. In the meantime, I can find more posts under the recommendation section due to the recommended algorithms of Weibo, which explore more interesting content of my interest and enrich the user experience.

Started from few years ago, there are advertisings appear among those post and most of the content of these are related to plastic surgery, wedding customization, and fashion retailer E-commerce. At first, I though these were randomly push to me, thus I click “not interested”. However, similar advertising is still included on my Weibo till now. Looking at the advertisings show on my male friend’s Weibo, I found out that not only the contents are totally different which are about cars and games, but also the frequency for the advertising is lower than that of mine – there are 1 piece of advertising among 6 to 7 posts for him whereas there are 2-3 ad post for me.

The Advertising I Received on Weibo.
The Advertising on My Male Friend’s Weibo.

Through all these automatically appear content, it reflects the identities the algorithm placed on the female Weibo users except for their interest. It reveals that the algorithm is encoded with the Chinese traditional ideologies about women and the gender bias carried by its designers. Reflecting by the advertising for female users, we also can see the value system it carried believes that women needs to know how to dress and to be pretty to please men and considers marriage as a life guarantee. At the same time, it is not difficult to see the commercial interest of Weibo as an enterprise whose goal is to maximize its profit from the difference between the advertising frequency for male and female users. It considers that it is easier to influence women’s purchase intention so it tends to impact them with conveying consumerism.

There is another case on Weibo shows the gender bias of Weibo’s algorithm. As Chauncey reported in 2018, a Chinese tycoon started a lucky draw run by Weibo raffle algorithm to give out 10,000 RMB each to 133 people to celebrity the championship of his E-sport team. However, the result turned out that there is only one male winner among all 133 winners. It is doubts that Weibo tries to attracts more female users who tends to spend more money which it can generate larger profit from. It is not acceptable for users to receive contents with gender bias lens since Weibo is a social media platform has millions of active users. It is not doubt that what people read impacts on their value systems and behavior unconsciously.

With the algorithm carried gender bias, Weibo not only becomes annoying because of the worse user experience, but also it could aggravate the problems caused by gender inequality. Benjamin stated that:

“Difference has a commercial value: shift toward multiculturalism marked by ‘a move away from one-size-fits-all mass marketing toward ethnically tailored niches that capitalize on calls for diversity”.

Since advertising seems to be unavoidable on social media platform, it is more reasonable to generate them to match the interest and needs for the users which lowers the possibility of users’ ad-avoidance.

What is behind the Lifestyle Section on News Media Platform?

Under the lifestyle section of China Daily Website, one of the most famous English-language news media in China, there is a post, Chinese Brands: Seal your look with lipsticks, reported that Chinese traditional culture nowadays has great impacts on domestic cosmetics products especially on lipsticks, from the package design to the ingredients used. At the end of the news, it mentioned a domestic cosmetic brand Florasis which makes Chinese culture and flower ingredients its most outstanding features, along with some compliments from a British makeup artist.

The content reflects a certain phenomenon that cosmetics with oriental characteristics is becoming popular and promote the brand Florasis at the same time. It is written by the editor from China Daily, thus the audience may not notice that it is branded content at the first glimpse of the post. The content is quite short and it appears in the content recommendation column Editors’ Picks. Even though the readers might find out that it is a native advertising in the end, it turned out that the post it is not repugnant by the readers since nearly all the comments are positive. 

Some comments for the post

It seems more easier for the audience to accept the brand promotion in this integration without separation way which merging the branded content into this kind of trends report. Moreover, in this case it is more like promoting Chinses culture rather than endorsing a certain brand in Chinese English-language mainstream media who targets the readers all around the world. Likewise, the readers noticed the brand Florasis for sure while what attracted them more is the way to spread the Chinese culture with cosmetics industry.  

However, the picture inserted are all sourced from T-mall which is one of the biggest E-commerce websites in China instead of from the brand official websites. To some extent, it might be an implicit guidance which the advertiser intentionally used to lead the readers to search the products or brand on the online shopping website and might further influence their purchase intention.

Nowadays consumer is facing abundant of advertising everywhere which can easily trigger their ad fatigue and avoidance. Besides, the ability to advertising identification for consumer these days keep rising which bring the challenge for the marketers to come up with advertising content and strategy more cautiously.

In fact, there are another post similar with these kind of fashion trends report whose headline starts with “Chinese brands” on China Daily website, but there is no specific introduction the certain brands like the Florasis one. It indicated China Daily as a news media publisher tries to blur the boundary between branded content and editorial. Also, based on advertising regulation of China Daily, branded content can only appear in lifestyle and travel sections. On one hand, it aims to remaining solid, serious and objective as a news media platform by separating editorial and advertising; on the other hand, the branded content can not only enrich the publisher content experience but also be a significant increase the revenue. Thus, its advertorials are controlled by its own editors who need to make a really good balance between the cultures and commercial of branded content.

As a news media, China Daily still needs to be cautious with the selection of topics as well as brands for its advertorials. At least from the post above, the effect is not bad for the media site since most of the comments are compliments.